How To Keep Your Skin Beautiful

How To Keep Your Skin Beautiful:

 How To Keep Your Skin Beautiful: Having healthy skin can be an indicator of overall body health.

Skin is very important for good health because it protects the body from germs and fungal agents. Having healthy skin can be an indicator of overall body health. Healthy skin is achieved by having a healthy body. Skin care and anti-aging products are from large industries, but caring for your skin is just as important as taking care of your body.

Skin is very important for good health because it protects the body from germs and fungal agents. Having healthy skin can be an indicator of overall body health. Healthy skin is achieved by having a healthy body. Skin care and anti-aging products are from large industries, but caring for your skin is just as important as taking care of your body.

How To Keep Your Skin Beautiful:

The first part

Clean and moisturize

1. Wash your skin regularly but not too much.

Your skin is covered with a layer of dead skin, fat, and bacteria that help your body absorb harmful substances. The shower makes this layer wet. Cleansing your skin is important for good health, but washing it more often is unnecessary and can cause more problems for your skin; Such as making it difficult to protect the body against infection and infection.

In general, no one needs to take a shower more than once a day or once every two to three days.

You may want to take more showers. Most people who want to do this are the ones who work or do the most physical work in public transport.

2. Take a shower with warm, short water

Bathing in hot water for a very long time removes the essential essential oils from your skin, which can lead to eczema or redness of the skin.

3. Use mild cleansers

Just like very hot water, strong cleansers remove grease from your skin and make it firm and dry.

When bathing, use cleansers that are gentle and also free of artificial fragrances. You should look for these soaps:

Soap that contains soothing and moisturizing ingredients; Such as aloe vera, mountain elm and vegetable oils. Also soap in which plants such as chamomile, lavender, rosemary and mint.

Soap that does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate or alcohol, as it dries your skin.

You need to choose a soap that matches your skin. If you have dry skin, look for moisturizing soap or use anti-perfume and anti-allergy soap for sensitive skin.

4. Dry your skin properly

Instead of drying your skin with a towel, gently turn the towel over your skin after the bath to dry the remaining moisture on your skin. This will leave a layer of fat on your skin that helps keep your skin moisturized and dry.

5. Layer once or twice a week

This will remove the first layer of dead skin and make the radiant, fresh and radiant skin appear underneath, giving your skin a radiant and healthy look.

Avoid rubbing acidic substances such as lemon or tomato juice on your skin, especially your facial skin, as they can destroy the skin's natural oil and make your skin more sensitive to the sun.

Regular cleansing, exfoliation and moisturizing of the skin can help prevent breakage and damage.

For dry skin, you should look for a layer that does not contain any additional (except very mild) cleansers. For oily skin, choose a peel that balances and deeply washes the skin.

6. Moisturize your skin regularly

In addition to keeping your skin hydrated, moisturizers can also protect the skin and improve its texture.

Use moisturizers that have SPF and sun protection.

Olive oil can also be used as an anti-inflammatory antioxidant and as a natural moisturizer. Almond, coconut and jojoba oils can also act as natural moisturizers, as do shea butter and cocoa butter.

You can use these products alone or you can use industrial moisturizers that contain these ingredients.

If your skin is oily, use lotions and gels, and if you have dry skin, choose creams.

If your skin has acne, look for moisturizers that contain salicylic acid, but if your skin is sensitive, look for products that contain green tea, vitamin C, or aloe vera.

How To Keep Your Skin Beautiful:

Part II

Eat a healthy diet

1. Eat fruits and vegetables

Eating foods that have all the colors of a single color ensures that you get the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals you need to stay healthy. Fruits and vegetables help keep skin healthy because they help keep the body healthy. Having a diet full of these foods can reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure. These foods also regulate blood sugar and weight and help the digestive system.

2.Eat green and dark green leafy vegetables

Eat colorful foods that are orange, blue, yellow, red, and purple.

For example, tomatoes have a wonderful effect on the skin, because eating them protects the skin from the sun's rays, softens the skin and increases its collagen.

3. Eat skin-friendly foods

Foods rich in antioxidants, selenium, coenzyme Q (10) and flavonoids are all good for improving the health of the body and making the skin clear. Antioxidants and selenium prevent free radical damage, which can lead to wrinkles and damage to skin tissue. Flavonoids are also the product of plant growth and have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Antioxidants are present in whole grains. Berries, apricots, beets, squash, sweet potatoes, tangerines, beans and olive oil contain antioxidants.

Selenium is found in foods such as pasta, cauliflower, Brazil nuts, button mushrooms, beef and turkey, shrimp and other types of fish.

Coenzyme Q (10) can be found in whole grains, meat, soy, canola and sesame oil.

Flavonoids are also found in foods such as green tea and dark chocolate.

4. Eat foods that are high in vitamins A, C and E.

These vitamins have different benefits, but they all help keep skin healthy. Vitamin C can increase collagen and elastin in the skin and prevent wrinkles, lines and sagging skin. Vitamin E helps protect your skin from drying out and dark spots and wrinkles. Vitamin E is also an antioxidant that fights free radical damage.

Foods rich in vitamin C include peppers, citrus fruits, dark green vegetables, papaya and kiwi. You can also try eating strawberries, pumpkins and pomegranates to protect your skin as these foods are high in this vitamin.

Foods that contain vitamin A include dark green leafy vegetables, oranges, carrots, cantaloupe and eggs.

Vitamin E is also found in seeds and nuts, olives, dark green leafy vegetables and vegetable oils.

5. Eat omega

Fat is bad for healthy skin; Especially omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These fatty acids keep the skin bright and moisturized and prevent blemishes and dryness.

The best sources of these fatty acids are walnuts, canola oil and olive oil, flaxseed, sardines and salmon.

6. Drink water

The skin, like any other part of the body, needs proper hydration to function well. Proper hydration can prevent the skin from drying out and flaking.

The traditional recipe for drinking water is 8 glasses a day. However, fruits and vegetables also contain amounts of water that will lead to daily hydration.

The best way is to listen to your body. Drink water whenever you feel thirsty.

7. Avoid eating excess sugar

Eating sugar in the diet can lead to wrinkles. Sugar molecules bind to protein molecules, after which they damage the skin's collagen and elastin. However, many foods that are good for you contain sugar.

How To Keep Your Skin Beautiful:

Taking care of your skin 

Third part

Take care of your body

1. Exercise regularly

Exercise is essential for healthy lungs, your cardiovascular system and your whole body. Because exercise improves blood circulation, it helps to have better skin, nourishes the skin and removes dirt from the skin. Exercise can also delay the aging process.

2. Relax and relax

Stress can damage your skin, mind and body. It can also intensify the hormones your body produces to fight stress. Acne, psoriasis, rosacea and eczema are the result of stress. In addition, stress can prolong the healing process in your body; For example, fractures will improve over time.

Yoga and meditation can be good for your skin, as they are both activities that relieve stress.

3. Don't smoke

Smoking, like stress, has a negative effect on your skin and appearance. Cigarettes reduce blood flow to the skin. Cigarettes also damage the skin's collagen and elastin. In addition, physical activity during smoking will cause wrinkles around the mouth and eyes.

4. Get enough sleep

Sleeping well affects many things, of which having healthy skin is just one of them. When we sleep, our bodies secrete certain growth hormones that lead to the production of collagen.

5. Protect your skin from the sun

Ultraviolet light is essential for the production of vitamin D (20 minutes is enough for most people), however, too much sunlight can damage the skin and lead to skin cancer.

In addition, sun damage is a reason for the signs of premature aging.

You should avoid between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when it's stronger, and put yourself in the shade whenever you're in the sun.

Choose sunscreen and softeners with SPF between 30 and 50.

Wear clothes that protect the skin from the sun; Long-sleeved shirt with high collars and wide hats.

6. Watch for signs of skin cancer

Skin cancer is caused by abnormal growth of skin cells due to DNA mutations, the main cause of which is ultraviolet radiation. See your doctor right away if you notice any unusual changes or spots that haven't been seen before.

The most common symptoms of cancer or precancerous cells are:

Spots that have irregular edges, asymmetrical faces, and more than one color change over time.

Wounds and lumps that are not caused by bites, scratches or bruises.

Stains, marks or changes in the appearance or texture of the skin.

7. Follow professional help for unusual skin problems

It is important that you be aware of the things that cause your skin to become allergic, irritated, and other sensitive areas so that you can tell the skin's normal reaction from its abnormal reaction and know which condition to talk to your doctor about. There are many things that can spread to the skin that you need to take care of:

Unknown urticaria, blisters, pimples or scaly skin

Discharge, discharge, or pus

Severe burning and inflammation, redness, itching, or discoloration

Blackheads, swelling and warts that do not go away

How To Keep Your Skin Beautiful:

Section 4

Skin care

1. Focus on the biggest skin problem, not all of it

Don't overuse anti-aging products. No product can fight wrinkles, dark spots and dry skin on its own, so don't try to solve all these problems at once. If you choose a topic and spend your time and money on it, you will get results.

It is normal for skin to age and you will not be able to stop it with any technique. Instead, you should focus on having healthy skin that makes your skin look younger.

2. Buy a good moisturizer for your skin and use it every day

Using a daily moisturizer is one of the keys to having healthy skin at any age. With age, however, its use becomes more important. Your skin will dry naturally and over time, which you need to keep it young and soft with moisturizer. No products are suitable for everyone. Find what works best for you.

3. Eat a diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals

You can get most of your nutrients and vitamins from foods. Getting these substances becomes even more important as you get older. However, you should also consider using a supplement.

4. Continue to take care of your skin with sunscreen, hydration and cancer screening

As you grow older, it is important to take care of yourself. You don't have to change your skincare habits regularly, because you're getting bigger. Drink plenty of water daily, eat a healthy diet, and get enough sleep. If you have these habits throughout your life, your skin will stay young and full of energy.

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