Corona Virus Covid_19 Symptoms Day By Day

Corona Virus Covid_19 Symptoms Day By Day:

Some Important Updates

1. Can corona virus (Covid-19) be transmitted by mosquito bites?

So far, the corona virus has not been confirmed to be transmitted by mosquito bites. It is a respiratory virus. Coronavirus virus is transmitted from person to person through saliva and saliva that come out when a person coughs and sneezes.

2. Can eating garlic prevent corona virus infection?

So far, it has not been proven that eating garlic prevents corona virus infection. Garlic is good for health and it helps us to stay healthy.

3. Does sesame oil massage prevent corona virus from entering the body?

Massage with sesame oil does not prevent the corona virus from entering the body. Sesame oil cannot kill the corona virus. Chemicals or solvents containing 70% ethanol, 0.5% sodium hypochlorite should be used to disinfect the corona virus on the surface. These chemicals should never be used on the human body. These chemicals are harmful to the skin.

4. Does drinking water cure sore throats, and prevent corona virus infections?

Drinking water is very important to stay healthy. But it does not prevent coronavirus infection.

5. Does the corona virus affect only the elderly or young people?

Corona virus can infect people of all ages. However, senior citizens and people with pre-existing health problems such as asthma, diabetes, and heart disease are at risk of contracting the virus. Particular attention should be paid to respiratory hygiene such as coughing and sneezing.

6. Is the use of antibiotics effective in preventing coronavirus and treating the infected?

Because antibiotics only have the ability to fight bacteria, the use of antibiotics does not prevent or treat coronavirus infections.

7. Is there any medicine to prevent or treat corona virus?

So far no cure has been found for the coronavirus, but the infected should be treated with medication according to their symptoms. Serious patients infected with the virus are hospitalized and treated according to their symptoms. Studies and research are being conducted in many countries, and the World Health Organization (WHO) is intensifying studies and research in coordination with its partners.

8. Is a hand dryer effective in killing corona virus?

A hand dryer can never be effective in killing the corona virus. The best way to prevent corona virus infection is to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or use an alcoholic sanitizer from time to time. A paper towel or hand dryer can be used to dry wet hands after washing them. But not everyone should use the same handkerchief.

9. Is it safe to take letters or anything from China?

There is no risk of transmission of the corona virus from goods or letters from China. This is because the corona virus has been confirmed not to live long on items such as letters or boxes.

10. Can UV rays (ultra violet light) kill the corona virus?

Such UV rays cannot kill the corona virus. But such radiation can cause allergies in the hands or other parts of the body.

11. How effective is a thermal scanner at an airport to find out if you have been infected with the corona virus?

A thermal scanner can help a person know if they have a fever (above normal body temperature) or not. Since it takes 2 to 14 days for symptoms of corona virus infection to appear, a thermal scanner cannot detect if a person has been infected but has not had a fever.

12. Does the corona virus die if alcohol or chlorine is applied to the whole body or sprayed?

Once the corona virus has entered the body, applying or spraying alcohol or chlorine throughout the body does not kill the virus. Instead, spraying in this way can damage the small pores in your clothes or body as well as the eyes, mouth, nose, etc. Remember, alcohol and chlorine can help disinfect the floor if used in the right amounts.

13. Can pets be infected or transmitted by corona virus?

So far, pets such as dogs and cats have not been confirmed to be infected with the corona virus. But after touching the pet in the house, you should always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. In this way, if you wash your hands with soap and water, you will be protected from various bacterial infections such as E. coli and Salmonella that can be transmitted from pets to humans.

14. Does the pneumonia vaccine protect us from corona virus infection?

Vaccines against pneumonia, such as the pneumococcal vaccine and the Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine, do not protect against the corona virus. Research is underway to develop a vaccine against the corona virus, but it has not yet been discovered

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