Dizziness treatment in a few minutes is a great prescription, and the fact that this method is effective on all patients attracted everyone's attention.
8 Very effective techniques for treating dizziness in just 5 minutes
When the world around you is constantly spinning, life becomes very difficult. You can't drive, you can't work, and you can't get around without fear of falling. In most cases, this feeling of dizziness is caused by problems with your inner ear. Where the particles change because of your movements, but if you keep these particles in order, you will be able to get rid of dizziness and restore the feeling of stability to your brain.
Dizziness is a confusion that occurs even when you are not moving. This is due to the breakdown of the defense mechanism in the ear nerve pathways in the brain. Let's treat dizziness in a few minutes. These unique methods have helped millions of people around the world so far. You can also get rid of dizziness immediately by taking steps in the treatment process when necessary.
Immediate treatment of vertigo in a few minutes
First of all, find out which ear is causing your dizziness
Lie down with your head slightly hanging from the edge
Turn your head to the right and then lie down quickly
Wait a minute and see if you feel dizzy
Return to the sitting position and repeat on the other side
If you feel dizzy when you turn to the right, it means that your right ear is having trouble. If dizziness occurs when you lie on your left side, it is a problem with your left ear.
Start with 8 dizziness treatment numbers in the shortest possible time
1. Try the Semont maneuver:
Sit flat on the edge of the bed.
Turn your head horizontally at a 45-degree angle to your good ear.
Rotate your head at a 105-degree angle and tilt your head towards your bad ear so that your nose is facing up.
Stay in this position for a few minutes.
Put your head in the same position and quickly towards the intact ear so that the nose is facing the ground.
Stay in this position for a few minutes and slowly return to your original sitting position and relax.
2. Perform semi-suspended maneuvers to treat dizziness
Start by sitting on your heels and keep your head straight up to look at the ceiling. Hold this position for a few seconds.
Keep your head down, press your chin slightly toward your knees as if you want to kick.
Turn your head to the right or left elbow (close to the ear at a 45 degree angle, wait or count to 30)
Turn your head, quickly turn it over to where you started, once again, wait for the rotation to stop for 15 to 30 seconds.
Keep your head down Sit fast; If you still feel dizzy, repeat the movement 4-5 times.
3. Perform Gufoni maneuver to relieve dizziness
Sit on a table and hang your legs.
Bend quickly toward your healthy body until your head reaches the table and wait for the confusion to subside.
Quickly turn your head toward the table at a 90-degree angle and wait 30 seconds.
Return to the sitting position with a quick motion and repeat this movement 3 times to relieve your dizziness.
4. Perform Epley maneuver to treat dizziness.
Sit on your bed and put a pillow behind your head so that it will be under your shoulders when you lie on your back.
Turn your head to the "bad" angle of 45 degrees and lie down quickly. Your shoulders should be on the pillow and your head should be bent.
Stay in this position for 30 seconds.
Rotate your head to the other side and hold for 30 seconds, then rotate your body in that direction.
Wait 30 seconds, then slowly get up and relax for a few minutes, repeating this movement 3 times.
5. Practice Brandt - Darrow Exercise.
Start in a sitting position on the edge of your bed.
Lie down quickly to your right and raise your nose at a 45% angle.
Stay in this position for 30 seconds and then return to the starting position.
Do the same with the other side.
Repeat this exercise 3-5 times.
6. Apply pressure to your wrists to relieve dizziness
The wrist pressure, or P6, is exactly the same point shown in this section of Moist Health. The extracorporeal heart is the point on your inner forearm, 3 fingers under your wrist between the two tendons to relieve dizziness and nausea . Pressurize the area for 4 to 5 seconds.
7. Press the inner ear to treat dizziness
This small dot is located at the top of your foot between the fourth and little finger. To reduce confusion, massage this spot on both feet with your index finger for 30 seconds.
8. Maintain a steady look.
Look straight ahead and focus on a small colored square or a button in front of you.
Focus on this point and wait for it to stop.
Keep your gaze on the target and slowly move your head from side to side.
Gradually increase the speed of your head, but if you feel dizzy, calm down and keep moving your head for a minute.
Warning: If you have dizziness and your dizziness does not decrease and increase during the exercises, stop immediately and consult your doctor